Bill Maher joined Jake Tapper on CNN for a wide-ranging discussion about the state of American politics, his thoughts on former President Donald Trump and Joe Biden, and his plans for the future.

The interview showcased Maher’s trademark wit and critical analysis as he reflected on the past and speculated about what lies ahead.

Tapper began by addressing Maher’s decision to take a different approach to Trump’s potential return to the White House.

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“Early on, you say that Trump, quote, got the White House again, but he isn’t going to get your mind. There are probably a lot of viewers that want to hear what you mean by that and how you want to achieve that,” Tapper asked.

Maher explained his new perspective:

“I’m not going to chase every rabbit down the hole like I did the first term. You know, that’s what I mean about he’s not going to get my mind. He’s a kooky guy who says a lot of kooky things, and I’m just not going to pre-hate anything. I’m just going to hope for the best, and then, when something serious happens, I’ll comment on that. Otherwise, I have new rules and monolog as a place in the show every week to talk about invading Greenland and annexing Canada and other stuff. That’s perfect, perfect for comedy, but I’m not going to take it seriously.”

Maher didn’t hold back when discussing Biden’s age, reiterating concerns he raised in a 2023 monologue.

Bill Maher
Xxx Bill Maher Mug

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Tapper referenced Maher’s past remarks:

“You warned the Democratic Party of Ruth Bader Biden, you were saying, the American people think he’s too old. You had a great line about, doesn’t matter if he’s a national treasure and has done great things. If you got on an airplane and you heard that Buzz Aldrin was the pilot, you’d get off.”

Maher responded by drawing parallels between Biden and the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, arguing that both stayed in their positions too long:

“I felt I had standing to make that case because I had, for so many years, been the only person I know on television who was consistently railing against ageism. I’ve been saying for years, ageism is the last allowable prejudice that we can have in this country. But this was a case where Biden was too old. He was going to be much like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, someone who was seen in history as one who stayed at the fair too long and cost his party dearly. And he did. And you know, I don’t think history is going to treat Joe Biden kindly for doing that.”

Maher also addressed fears regarding free speech if Trump were to return to power.

Tapper asked: “You told me a couple of years ago on air that you were afraid of what Trump could theoretically do if he ever were returned to the White House. How do you feel now?”

Maher acknowledged the uncertainty surrounding Trump’s potential actions:

“Do I think he’s going to start arresting comedians? I don’t, but it’s possible. Look, anything’s possible with this guy. I’ll put it this way, when George Bush was in the White House, it never even entered my mind that I couldn’t say whatever I wanted to say without repercussions. And that’s one of the great things about living in America… But am I going to let it affect what I do? No. The day I feel like I can’t say what I want without going to Guantanamo Bay, I’ll just leave.”

Maher confirmed his decision to retire from stand-up comedy after 40 years, citing exhaustion from touring.

However, he clarified that he isn’t retiring from his HBO show or podcast.

“I’m stopping doing stand-up just because I’m tired of touring,” Maher said.

“For those people who say to me, ‘Why don’t you just do it a little bit?’ You can’t do it a little bit. Stand-up is like being a boxer. You have to be in training.”

He assured fans he would continue with his show and podcast, noting his disappointment in the repetitive nature of American politics:

“I was hoping that in the episodic television show that is America, I was hoping for some new characters… but it’s like, it’s like they rebooted Matlock, but instead of getting Kathy Bates, they put Andy Griffith back in it.”

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