President Joe Biden’s decision to pardon his son, Hunter Biden, ignited a political firestorm, drawing fire from both liberals and conservatives.

The Sunday evening announcement marked a sharp reversal from Biden’s prior assertion that he would not intervene in his son’s legal woes related to firearms charges and falsified purchasing documents.

Hunter Biden enters the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building with his wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, in the morning before jury selection begins in USA v. Robert Hunter Biden in Wilmington, Delaware, on Monday, June 3, 2024.

The president justified the move by claiming Hunter was unfairly targeted due to their familial relationship, but critics were not swayed, as reported by The Daily Caller.

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Among the critics was Democratic Colorado Governor Jared Polis, who publicly chastised Biden for prioritizing family over national integrity.

“While as a father I certainly understand President Joe Biden’s natural desire to help his son by pardoning him, I am disappointed that he put his family ahead of the country,” Polis remarked on social media.

“ This is a bad precedent that could be abused by later Presidents and will sadly tarnish his reputation. Hunter brought the legal trouble he faced on himself, and one can sympathize with his struggles while also acknowledging that no one is above the law, not a President and not a President’s son.”

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Former Republican Congressman Joe Walsh, now an Independent, didn’t mince words either.

Calling the pardon “stupidly selfish,” Walsh lashed out at Biden for undermining his own credibility.

“This is utter bullshit, just plain wrong, & stupidly selfish. Shame on you @POTUS. You’ve given Trump license now to dole out favors to his family & wealthy friends,” Walsh fumed. “And btw Biden, you lied.”

Notably, Democratic Arizona Representative Greg Stanton weighed in, arguing that Hunter Biden’s conviction was lawful and above reproach.

“I respect President Biden, but I think he got this one wrong,” Stanton stated.

“This wasn’t a politically-motivated prosecution. Hunter committed felonies and was convicted by a jury of his peers.”

Nate Silver, a prominent statistician, added to the condemnation, framing the pardon as another nail in the Democratic Party’s coffin following its loss to Donald Trump.

“The White House consistently lied about this,” Silver asserted.

“Biden’s stubborn insistence on running for reelection was perhaps the singular most important factor in Trump 2.0, and now he’s kicking salt in the wound.”

Journalist Glenn Greenwald took aim at mainstream media for promoting Biden’s prior assurances that he wouldn’t pardon Hunter.

Sharing a nine-minute montage of pro-Biden punditry, Greenwald declared, “Look how these people operate as a mindless herd.”

Mark Penn, a former Clinton adviser, accused Biden of gaslighting the American public.

“This was not just a pardon for Hunter but also for Joe Biden himself, as his son and brother ran a shakedown scheme worth over $20 million,” Penn wrote.

“And this is yet another of the many issues the American public was shamefully gaslighted over.”

Even left-leaning voices like Ezra Klein and Chris Cillizza expressed dismay.

Klein admitted the decision was “terrible politics and precedent,” though he sympathized with Biden’s fatherly instincts.

Cillizza warned the move would arm Trump supporters with ammunition for accusations of Democratic hypocrisy.

Biden’s pardon has not only drawn scrutiny but also fueled broader concerns about integrity, precedent, and political repercussions. Critics from across the political spectrum agree: the decision will likely leave a lasting stain on the Biden presidency.