Kamala Harris has stolen yet another policy from her Republican rival Donald Trump in her bid to become president.

The Vice President announced the pledge at a rally on Friday, September 13 in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Under her “new” policy, Harris would remove all unnecessary four-year college degree requirements for federal jobs.

“For far too long, our nation has encouraged only one path to success,” she told supporters in the swing state. “Our nation needs to recognize the value of other paths, additional paths, such as apprenticeships and technical programs. As president, I will get rid of the unnecessary degree requirements for federal jobs to increase jobs for folks without a four-year degree… understanding that requiring a certain degree does not necessarily talk about one’s skills.”

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Harris added she would “challenge the private sector to do the same” if elected president.

Many on social media recollected the policy from the previous administration. On June 26, 2020, then-president Trump signed an executive order stating skills would be prioritized over a college degree when applying for federal jobs.

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X Screenshot – NolaMom

Many noted that this was not the first policy Harris had pinched from her rival’s campaign. Key Trump pledges such as “no tax on tips” have been copied by the Democrat so far in this electoral cycle, while the Biden-Harris administration’s continuation of Trump-era policies led to the Republican offering the Vice President a MAGA hat during the presidential debate on Tuesday, Sept. 10… To check out the rest of this story, visit WokeSpy.

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