Jeremy Jackson, the former child star who played David Hasselhoff’s son on the iconic ’90s series “Baywatch,” seems to be indulging in a bit of oversharing about his more questionable behavior during his time on the show.

In the new docuseries “After Baywatch: Moment In The Sun,” Jackson, who played Hobie Buchannon for eight seasons, gave a rather unfiltered look into what it was like to hit puberty while surrounded by scantily clad co-stars, as reported by TMZ.

Spoiler alert: It wasn’t all sunny beach scenes and fun in the surf.

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Jackson revealed that his coping mechanism for the hormonal whirlwind he was experiencing was, to put it mildly, rather disturbing. “I dealt with it by breaking into my castmates’ trailers and sniffing their bathing suits,” Jackson candidly shared. He went on to admit, “Let’s just say I’ve sniffed every person on ‘Baywatch.'”

This isn’t the first time Jackson has made headlines for such confessions. Back in 2011, during an interview with shock-jock Howard Stern, he admitted to engaging in even more lurid behavior involving Pamela Anderson’s iconic red swimsuit.

Yes, Jackson confessed to pleasuring himself while inhaling deeply from the suit. Not exactly the kind of revelation one expects to hear from someone who once had the wholesome image of a child star.

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Nicole Eggert, who played Summer Quinn on the show, responded to Jackson’s eyebrow-raising confession in the docuseries, but rather than expressing shock or disgust, she seemed almost impressed by his candor.

Eggert, who has had her own moments in the tabloid spotlight, praised her former co-star for being so open about his past, brushing off the weirdness as just another Hollywood story.

Jackson’s exit from “Baywatch” coincided with his transition to adulthood, a time when his off-screen behavior was spiraling out of control. The young actor was dealing with a burgeoning drug addiction that was quickly taking over his life.

Reflecting on that period in the docuseries, Jackson admitted, “That was a crazy time. I was in full-blown f***-it mode. That drug had a hold of me and I was just spiraling down, for sure.”

His drug of choice? Methamphetamine, which he began using during his final season on “Baywatch.” Even David Hasselhoff, the series’ leading man, noticed something was seriously off.

Hasselhoff, who played Jackson’s on-screen father, reportedly confronted him about his behavior, calling it “the worst thing.” Unfortunately, it seems Jackson was too deep into his addiction to heed the warning at the time.

Today, Jackson’s candid admissions serve as yet another reminder of the darker side of Hollywood, where the pressures of fame and the temptations of excess can lead even the most promising stars down a destructive path.

While Jackson’s stories may raise eyebrows, they also shed light on the fact that Hollywood often fosters environments where social pariahs and attention-seekers can thrive—and sometimes, crash spectacularly.