The Rob Maness Show

American Justice Dies Before Our Eyes | The Rob Maness Show EP 240

TODAY, THE AMERICAN “JUSTICE” SYSTEM IS DYING AS WE KNOW IT - Enrique Tarrio Did Not Rape Children. He Did Not Rob A Store. He Did Not Attack An Officer. ALL OF THOSE THINGS GET MUCH LOWER SENTENCES! NO! He Did Something “MUCH WORSE” Than That According To The Elites! He Helped Organize A Protest on January 6th he didn’t even attend, Where People Walked Into The Building After Capital Police Opened The Doors. Enrique got A 22-YEAR SENTENCE For That. HE MAY NEVER BE ABLE TO HUG HIS FAMILY AGAIN As He Sits in His Cell During The Next 2 plus Decades, He Will Watch Many Gang Members and Murderers Walk Out The Doors in Front of Him… You See Their Crimes are “Redeemable”… But if You Make The Ruling Class Upset… You Are BEYOND REDEMPTION - Enrique’s Biggest Mistake is That He Forgot To Put on A Black Lives Matter Shirt First. Of Course… If He Had Done That… He Would Be Getting A Check In The Mail Right Now Instead of A 22 -Year Prison Sentence! X user @MattWallace888 paraphrased

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