Alyssa Milano is a former child star who is best known for starring in television shows like “Who’s The Boss” and “Charmed.” Inexplicably, in the years since Donald Trump took office, Milano has reinvented herself as a radically leftwing activist who spends her days launching often-deranged attacks on the president and those who voted for him.

On Wednesday, Milano took to Twitter once again to let loose on Republicans who dared to vote for Trump, going so far as to accuse them of betraying the American people.

It all started when Milano decided to tweet about a CNN video that has been making the rounds on social media over the past five days. The video comes from Don Lemon’s show on Saturday night, and it shows him mocking the intelligence of Trump supporters with CNN contributor Wajahat Ali and ex-Republican strategist Rick Wilson.

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Initially, it seemed that the video had caused Milano to have a moment of clarity when it came to Trump supporters, but it quickly became clear that this was not the case.

“I don’t agree with making fun of anyone. The CNN clip displays a level of mockery, toward those who support Trump, that I’m uncomfortable with,” Milano began yesterday morning. “I think I understand why you voted for him. You were struggling. You didn’t feel seen or heard by the previous administrations.”

In a follow-up tweet that reeked of the condescension that is typical of liberal elites, Milano proceeded to claim that she understands Trump supporters, even though she has spent the past three years viciously attacking them at every turn.

“I get it. By voting for Trump you felt you were voting for change that could potentially help you and your family. And to that extent I ask you: are you better off?” Milano asked. “Are you struggling less? Because the country as a whole isn’t better off. The divide has never been deeper.”

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With the economy booming and unemployment at a fifty year-low, millions of Americans really are better off with Trump in the White House, but Milano chose to ignore this as she continued her rant. Instead, she rattled off a series of ways that she claims Trump has harmed our nation, giving no evidence to back up anything she was saying.

“In 3.5 yrs since Trump was elected-hate crimes have gone up. Gun violence has gone up. Depression and anxiety have gone up,” she tweeted. “We need to look at this time in history w/ a critical eye & make hard decisions about the big things. Like decency, integrity, honor, truth and justice.”

Milano’s moment of feigning empathy for Trump supporters did not last long, as just four hours later, she returned to Twitter to accuse Republicans everywhere of choosing Trump over the health of the American people.

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“The entire GOP is choosing a corrupt Bad Guy over the constitution and the health of our nation,” Milano tweeted in the afternoon. “If I wrote this trial into a film, people and reviewers alike would say, ‘How many bad guys did you need to make your point?’ All of them, I guess. The entire party.”

The fact that Milano thinks the rest of us should care at all about her political opinions is a prime example of how full of themselves the liberal elites of Hollywood really are. They can’t stand the fact that unlike Barack Obama, Trump has no interest in kissing up to them and securing popularity in Hollywood for himself. Instead, he has prioritized improving the lives of working class Americans, and that’s exactly what he’s done in the past three years.

Milano should stick to what she knows, which is playing pretend for a living, and leave the politics up to people who actually know what they’re talking about.