Are you missing the boat when it comes to parenting and technology? Many parents forget it is their job to monitor all tech devices — and take them away from kids when it is appropriate.

“Permissive parenting has allowed children to establish their own rules, which is epitomized in the manner in which children use their smartphones,” said Daniel Riseman, founder of Riseman Educational Consulting in Irvington, New York. “Even though the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents keep internet-connected electronic devices out of their children’s bedrooms — many parents are abdicating control.”

As a result, kids are establishing their own bedtime rituals and playing games on their smartphones late into the night. “As detailed in the National Center for Health Statistics’ recent study, 81 percent of children sleep with their phone next to them,” said Riseman. “Many parents are unaware of just how late their child is staying up and mistakenly view their sleep-deprived child as having symptoms of attention deficit disorder.”

Make sure to establish uninterrupted quality sleep time for your child every single night, which will benefit him or her more than that video game or group chat with friends ever will.

Related: Disciplining Kids with a Tech Timeout