Donald Trump, who has been drawing yuuuuge TV audiences to normally low-rated presidential debates, has a new demand. He wants CNN to donate $5 million to charity or he skips the next debate.

“How about I tell CNN that I’m not gonna do the next debate?” Trump asked a crowd Monday in Macon, Georgia. “I won’t do the debate unless they pay me $5 million, all of which money goes to the Wounded Warriors or to vets.”

Trump feels the payment is “in order because CNN ‘doesn’t treat me properly’ and because he felt he was responsible for the high ratings CNN got during the GOP debate it hosted in September,” USA Today wrote.

“CNN had 23 million people. It was the biggest show in the history of CNN,” Trump said.

“And the billionaire businessman is reopening negotiations over whether he will lend his star power to the debate the network is hosting Dec. 15,” the paper wrote.