Buttons, check. Hats, check. Lawn signs and bumper stickers — of course. In a presidential election year, these products and more are par for the course. But some manufacturers are getting “bubbly” with less than three months to go before Nov. 8.

At the Stew Leonard’s grocery chain in Connecticut and New York, customers are having fun buying bottles of presidential soda pop. “Trump Tonic” — whose tagline is “Make America Grape Again” — is flying off the shelves. (A 12-ounce single bottle sells for 99 cents.) “Hillary Hooch” carries a tagline of “Classified Flavor.” (It’s also 99 cents a pop.)

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Avery’s Beverages, a 112-year-old soda maker in New Britain, Connecticut, introduced the new flavors this year and, no surprise, it’s seeing a healthy financial boost. Trump Tonic is a grape soda, while Hillary Hooch combines raspberry, strawberry — and a hint of sour lemon. Neither has any alcohol. As the labels on both products advise customers: “Not for persons that lack a sense of humor. May be mixed with large amounts of alcohol to make this election more palatable.”

Avery’s playfulness is pleasing customers. Last month alone, sales from its presidential sodas boosted revenue by 30 to 35 percent.

The company has seen this before. In 2008, Avery “decided to have a little fun with the election” when it introduced the Barack O’Berry and John McCream flavors, as Inc.com reported.

For the 2012 election, it offered Crème De Mitt.

Related: 10 Eye-Catching Hillary Bumper Stickers

The products sold so well the company branched out into other political news for drink offerings — including the murder of Osama bin Laden in 2011. That year, the company offered “a blood orange soda” called So Long Osama. On a completely non-political topic, the New England Patriots “Deflategate” scandal led to Deflated Ball Brew.

Will Dunn, Avery’s operations manager, said local sales of the Trump and Hillary sodas are slightly favoring the Republican right now — and that “national orders have Trump Tonic winning by a landslide,” Inc.com reported.

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Just to be even more playful (and give customers more options), the company is also offering a soda with a blank label — allowing people to write in their own choice of candidate. So what’s been written in so far? Bernie Sanders and Gary Johnson. No word on what those sodas taste like.

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