The Democratic nominee for the presidency has already planned an election night bash in the Big Apple — including a fireworks display off the Hudson River that would begin just 30 minutes after the polls close in New York. This fireworks display would occur well before West Coast voters even had a chance to vote, the New York Post is reporting early Tuesday morning.

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There is exactly one week to go before Election Day — and Donald Trump has been shown to be gaining and closing the gap in polls. Yet the New York Fire Department and the New York Police Department, according to the Post, had already been notified in advance of plans for a pyrotechnic display on Hillary’s behalf, to be launched from a barge in the Hudson River, near Manhattan’s Javits Center, next Tuesday night.

The fireworks that are planned are said to be two minutes in duration and would start as early as 9:30 p.m. local time — only 30 minutes after polls close in New York.

As the Post reports, an FDNY memo — “ironically sent out on Friday, the same day FBI Director James Comey made his famous intervention” in terms of a new investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server and her mishandling of classified information, as the Daily Mail put it — ordered its Marine 1 company to provide protection for the fireworks show.

Related: Keeping a Sane Household During the Election

Trump has been surging in the polls. The RealClearPolitics national average showed him trailing by just 2.5 percentage points on Monday.

“It’s a little presumptuous of [Hillary Clinton] to plan on winning. I guess she put in for this before Friday,” a NYPD detective told the Post.