Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, who is on a shortlist of vice presidential choices for Donald Trump’s GOP presidential ticket, was asked on “Fox & Friends” this morning how a potential Trump presidency might fix the ongoing police issues in this country.

This has been a “terrible” past few days for America, the former speaker said, “and it should be a wake-up call that there are some things that are profoundly wrong in this country right now and they deserve an honest, open conversation.”

Related: The Cop-Hater in Chief

Gingrich was asked what he might say to Trump if the presumptive GOP nominee asked his advice on how to handle this matter and communicate with people about it.

“I would tell him to talk to all Americans — black lives matter, blue lives matter, all lives matter,” said Gingrich. “We have to be concerned about people who may be shot by the police, and we have to be enraged and totally determined to hunt down people who shoot the police. The police are the last line of civilization, and it is very important that every policeman and their family feel that the community cares about them and is grateful to them.”

Also, you need to indicate “your absolute support for the policemen and the firemen and the people who risk their lives” who guard our country and communities, and keep law and order.

“Second, you go to the root causes … My argument is, the policies that have driven us apart, the ideologies that say ‘Black Lives Matter’ — well, baloney. All lives matter, of all backgrounds … All American lives matter.”

“If you look at places where this has happened before, L.A. for example during a riot, that’s a horrifying thing to live in,” he added. “We don’t want America to degenerate into that kind of violence.”

Gingrich said he hopes the GOP ticket will go to the south side of Chicago, to some neighborhoods in Dallas, and right into Baltimore, and say over and over again, “We’ve had 50 years of big government, big bureaucracy, and big unionization, and it has failed … And we have to say over and over again, ‘We have to find a way that every American has a decent future.'”

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