What do you get when you cross a radical, ideological commitment to multiculturalism with open borders and mass migration? A rape epidemic, of course.

Swedish police are currently investigating reports of over 40 rapes and sexual assaults at two different music festivals. “These were reports of women being touched in unwanted places, such as on their breasts and on their bottoms and inside their underwear,” said Inspector Leif Nystrom of the Karlstad Police Department.

If Europe is in the midst of a rape crisis, Sweden faces a rape epidemic

But calling the victims of these assaults “women” obfuscates the incidents’ true horror, as most of the victims were teenage girls — some reportedly as young as 12 years old.

Most of the perpetrators of these heinous acts were Muslim migrants, who seem to bring with them rape and sexual assault wherever they go in Europe — whether it be in Greece, Germany, Sweden, or the United Kingdom.

But if Europe is in the midst of a rape crisis, Sweden faces a rape epidemic. For years it has had the highest reported incidents of rape in Europe, the victims of which are almost always white and the perpetrators almost always foreign migrants from Muslim countries.

Years before German Chancellor Angela Merkel took it upon herself to open the floodgates and invite the worst elements of Middle Eastern society to run roughshod over the entire continent, the multiculturalist paradise of Sweden was importing significant numbers of Muslim refugees with views entirely antithetical to Western liberal attitudes towards women.

Indeed, this isn’t the first time Muslim migrants have attacked Swedish girls at music festivals. After the European-wide outcry over the mass Muslim sex attacks in Cologne, Germany, on New Year’s Eve, it was revealed that Swedish police had been covering up mass sex assaults of Swedish girls at the hands of Muslim migrants at the We Are Sthlm music festival for years, a festival held specifically for teenagers.

A leaked police report identified the perpetrators as “so-called refugee youths, specifically from Afghanistan. Several of the gang were arrested for sexual molestation.” But this information never made it to the public — as the authorities didn’t wish to endanger Sweden’s multicultural fantasy.

It’s not just music festivals either. As early as 2003 a Swedish indoor water park was closed down because of aggressive Muslim youths. In fact Sweden’s public swimming pools have become hotbeds of sexual assault. In 2005, a 17-year-old girl was raped at Husbybadet, in Stockholm.

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“Since then, virtually all public pools in Sweden have become dangerous places, especially to women,” writes Swedish journalist Ingrid Carlqvist. She also writes that “during the first two months of [2016], reports of rape, sexual assault. and sexual harassment came in rapid succession.” Carlqvist identified nine reported incidents of sexual assaults at public pools in that time.

Sweden is proof of the failure of the multiculturalist project. The idea that cultures and the people to whom they belong are interchangeable is starting to leave real victims in its wake.

One can only wonder how many more Swedish girls and women need to suffer such terrible atrocities before Sweden accepts that those who hold Western values cannot coexist peacefully in the same society with those who hold Islamic ones, and radically revises its immigration policy.