In an outrageously manipulative stunt intended to deceive the American public about the true dangers of illegal immigration and cast conservatives as unfeeling bigots, the Democratic National Convention had Karla Ortiz, the 11-year-old daughter of illegal immigrants, and her mother speak.

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Liberals in the mainstream media have criticized Donald Trump and the GOP’s allegedly racist dog whistles to white Americans, framing them as the desperate attempts of a demagogue to appeal to a dying demographic.

The Democrats must pander constantly, and ever more aggressively, to destructive elements in American society and the toxic identity politics that could tear the country apart in order to maintain support.

But it is the Democrats who must pander constantly, and ever more aggressively, to destructive elements in American society and the toxic identity politics that could tear the country apart in order to maintain support.

“I’m scared that at any moment, my mom and my dad will be forced to leave,” the young Ortiz said. “I wonder, what if I come home and find it empty?”

Featuring Ortiz was a transparent attempt to blur the distinctions between legal and illegal immigration, and turn a child’s emotional pain into a political weapon. In doing so, the Democrats have made it crystal clear that they demand Americans ignore the pain of those who have suffered because of illegal immigration.

Ortiz and her illegal immigrant mother were followed by activist Astrid Silva, another illegal immigrant and poster child for the Democratic Party’s desire to put the interests of aliens above those of U.S. citizens. “I came to America illegally with my mother when I was four years old. We crossed the river on a raft,” Silva said.

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“When Donald Trump talks about deporting 11 million people, he’s talking about ripping families apart,” she said. Even actress Eva Longoria contributed to the Democrats’ pro-open borders propaganda.

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“I’m from a small town in South Texas and if you know your history, Texas used to be part of Mexico,” she said. “I’m ninth-generation American. My family never crossed a border — the border crossed us. So when Donald Trump calls us criminals and rapists, he’s insulting American families,” Longoria continued. The fact that Trump was and is referring to illegal aliens seems entirely lost on Longoria.

Liberal commentators were predictably enamored with the propagandist performances. “What I saw last week [at the GOP convention] … was almost a criminalization of that whole community,” CNN commentator Van Jones said.”Tonight you’re seeing a humanization of that community.”

“The only undocumented people we talk about at the Republican convention were the very few who had committed crimes,” echoed Paul Begala. “They tried to generalize that as [a] demagogue will.”

But if anyone is guilty of demagoguery when it comes to divisive social issues, it is the Democrats. Demagoguery is manipulating people’s emotions to achieve political ends, and one would be hard-pressed to think of a better example than carting out a scared child to speak of her fears that her parents will be taken from her in the dark of the night.

Equally as indefensible is Begala’s insistence that illegal alien crime is a minor problem. “There is ample evidence that crime associated with illegal aliens is a problem in many cities,” said Jessica Vaughan, director of Policy Studies at the Center for Immigration Studies.

“When I hear commentators dismiss this problem as insignificant, they’re basically saying that they think the victims of these criminal illegal aliens are just collateral damage to be ignored,” Vaughan continued.

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“This line of talk is coming from people who want to distract from this very real public safety problem that occurs when we don’t enforce our immigration laws,” she said.

While the Democrats spent Monday night declaring the GOP racist for its opposition to open borders — a point they were so desperate to make that they possibly violated federal immigration law — they plan on spending Tuesday night condemning America’s inherent racism against blacks, and declaring the GOP racist for its support of law and order.

Closing out Tuesday’s lineup at the DNC are the “Mothers of the Movement,” which includes the mother of Michael Brown. That the Democratic Party would present an incident in which a black man was killed while trying to murder a police officer as some sort of proof of racism within American law enforcement — and within the hearts of those who support law enforcement — reveals the depths to which they are willing to go to divide the nation by race.

While the Republicans often wrestle with themselves on key points of policy and ideology, the Democrats know only the pursuit of power by any means necessary, and are pursuing ever more extreme exercises in pandering in order to keep their coalition of hate together.