How legitimate are the claims that Hillary Clinton is “healthy and fit to serve as president of the United States,” as her doctor so boldly stated? The answer is simple. It’s time for independent neurologists to examine Clinton and render their views.

Clinton’s New York-based physician, Dr. Lisa M. Bardack, released a statement Wednesday about her patient’s overall health. Given some of the medical issues Clinton has had over the past several months and years, this report couldn’t be more glowing (or full of unicorns and rainbows).

“The pneumonia still doesn’t explain her ‘off’ behavior.”

“My overall impression is that Mrs. Clinton has remained healthy and has not developed new medical conditions this year other than a sinus and ear infection and her recently diagnosed pneumonia. She is recovering well with antibiotics and rest. She continues to remain healthy and fit to serve as president of the United States,” said Bardack.

The doctor added that Hillary has had her blood tested for Coumadin dosing and adjustments. Bardack said she has tried to help manage the candidate’s allergies and has seen her for sinusitis, an ear infection, fever, fatigue, and other issues — including her recent bout with a “mild case” of non-contagious bacterial pneumonia.

As for deeper questions about the state of the candidate’s health, Bardack said, “A CT scan of her brain and sinuses was done in March of 2016. This scan showed no abnormalities of the brain and mild chronic sinusitis. Her symptoms resolved and she continued symptom-free for the next six months.”

So that’s that, right?

Related: Hillary’s Health Issues: They Go Way Back

The move appears to be too little too late. The voting public, even members of her own party, aren’t sure what to believe about her health and whether they’re being told the truth. It doesn’t help that former President Bill Clinton can’t keep Hillary’s story straight either.

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Bill Clinton, campaigning in Las Vegas for his wife on Wednesday, said she has “the flu.”

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“It’s a crazy time we live in, you know, when people think there’s something unusual about getting the flu,” the former president said. “Last time I checked, millions of people were getting it every year.” His spokesman immediately corrected his statement.

Leaked emails on Wednesday reveal that former Secretary of State Colin Powell voiced concerns about Hillary’s health in early 2015. “I think there is something to it. On HD tv she doesn’t look good. She is working herself to death,” Powell wrote to Jeffrey Leeds, a major Democratic donor, on March 14, 2015.

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Regardless of what Bardack’s letter might claim, Clinton’s health is very much in question.

”Of course she’s going to release something that says she’s fine,” a man from north Texas told LifeZette. “She’s got to release something — and it won’t be something that says she’s got serious problems, that’s for darn sure.”

A normal-appearing brain on a CT scan does not rule out significant neurologic disease, said one physician.

Stacey Wollman of Rapid City, South Dakota, feels the same. “The bobbing head episodes, the passing out, and the mixing up of words during interviews and speaking engagements — it’s odd. Her handlers helping her walk and assisting her in remaining stable also aren’t very presidential. It is feasible she could be suffering from pneumonia, but it still doesn’t explain her ‘off’ behavior. That demands further medical explanation.”

A mix of Republicans and Democrats who called into “The Alan Colmes Show” on Fox News Radio Wednesday night felt it would be helpful to get an independent assessment of her health from someone other than Bardack.

One physician, hesitant to offer a diagnosis of Clinton, as he has not personally examined her, said he is skeptical she is in good health. He said there are things that don’t add up in the letter.

“This letter by Dr. Lisa Bardack summarizing Hillary Clinton’s health over the past year, is professional, well-written, and appears to be comprehensive from a non-neurologic standpoint,” said Dr. Robert Klinestiver, a pulmonologist and critical care specialist in the Indianapolis area.

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However, he added significantly, the only references to any neurologic assessment are a CT scan in March that reportedly showed a normal-appearing brain — and Bardack’s statement that “she is in excellent mental condition.” A normal-appearing brain on a CT scan, according to Klinestiver, does not rule out significant neurologic disease. Bardack’s statement is a professional assessment without any details of the testing and evaluations made to support her conclusion.

“Her use of the word ‘mental’ is unfortunately ambiguous,” said Klinestiver. “It doesn’t precisely address the concerns that Hillary Clinton possibly suffered from a neurologic condition congruent with her frequent falling and unusual head movements. The word ‘mental’ better describes one’s thought processes and cognitive state, rather than neurologic dysfunction that could arise from head trauma or just the aging process, including but not limited to Parkinson’s disease.”

Related: Hillary’s Pneumonia Diagnosis: Is That All There Is?

“In my opinion, all presidential candidates should allow release of all of their medical records for independent medical review and submit to physical examination and additional testing as warranted,” the pulmonologist added. “The health status of the POTUS and those who aspire to become the leader of the free world should be completely open to public awareness and scrutiny.”

Clinton’s aides say she’ll return to the campaign trail on Thursday. She has been resting at home since collapsing in lower Manhattan during the 9/11 commemoration ceremonies.

Donald Trump, meanwhile, is scheduled to appear on the “Dr. Oz Show” in a pre-taped interview segment with Dr. Mehmet Oz, in which Trump revealed limited summaries of his own recent medical visits and tests.