After President Trump’s executive order regarding immigration from Muslim-dominated countries, the Left went into immediate race-card mode. Howls of “racism” washed across the country, as leftists used the same tired tactic they have used since 2008.

This time, however, they added an even more revolting strategy: using Jews as political footballs. Numerous Facebook memes have popped up, attempting to link Trump’s temporary immigration restrictions intended to protect America to the refusal of the United States to accept Jewish refugees prior to the outbreak of World War II. MSNBC host Rachel Maddow did the same thing.

Leftists never say, “I stand with Israel.”

Before examining the false analogies drawn by the Left, it’s essential to understand how the Left is using Jews as political footballs. As one who is Jewish myself, I feel this acutely.

The Left never sides with Jews or Israel. Leftists are silent when Gaza terrorists send hundreds of rockets into Israeli homes and towns. Leftists are silent when innocent Israelis are brutally attacked by knife-wielding Palestinian terrorists. Leftists are quick to add the flag of France to their Facebook photo — but you never see them add the Israeli colors or flag when terrorist atrocities occur in the Jewish homeland.

Leftists never say, “I stand with Israel.” Leftists hate the strong leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Leftist have no problem giving Iran nuclear capability. Leftists were appalled when Netanyahu dared to speak to Congress in the hope of scuttling the Iran deal, but didn’t make a peep when it turned out Obama tried to meddle in the Israeli election.

There is only one thing the Left likes about the Jews: the ability to use Jews for whatever they need people of this faith to be. Normally, Jews are used as the scapegoat. In the case of President Trump’s executive order, the Left uses us to try to prove a humanitarian point.

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That’s right. All of a sudden, the Left cares about the Jews. Here’s what they say now: “We don’t want another Holocaust, do we?” or “Have you forgotten the lessons of the Holocaust?” or “The U.S. turned away Jews in WWII. Look what happened.”

Such compassion! Such caring! We are overwhelmed — by the hypocrisy, that is.

That the Left should lecture the Trump administration and, worse, other Jews about this time in history is offensive enough. That they double down by using Jews as political footballs is even more egregious, but they don’t even get the history right, or why the analogy is a false one.

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The U.S. passed the Immigration Act of 1924, which limited the number of immigrants into the country to 2 percent of each nationality according to the 1890 census, and placed a complete ban on immigrants from Asia. So as it was, only 14,000 or so immigrants from all of Eastern Europe and Russia were even permitted to enter the country, and no more than about 51,000 Germans.

The limitation had nothing specifically to do with Jews. Furthermore, there were a limited number of countries that would even permit Jews to emigrate.

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As for the executive order, there is no comparison to be made. For starters, it is merely a temporary freeze on visa applications on seven countries “of concern, identified in the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015.”

Jews were escaping religious and ethnic persecution. Individuals in the countries named in the executive order are not escaping such persecution. In fact, such persecution is exempt from the freeze. Christians, for example, are exempt — another religious minority that leftists don’t give a hoot about, and never post articles on Facebook condemning the beheadings and immolation of this religious group.

The Jews had a limited number of places they could go. Muslims, on the other hand, can emigrate to countless other nations both within the Muslim world, and Europe. Germany permitted over 1 million immigrants, in part because it had a labor shortage. Here in America, we have a severe problem with too many unemployed people.

Finally, Muslims from these countries are not going to be subject to a Holocaust. The very use of the word in this context is offensive. Muslims are in the religious majority … and it is that religion’s most radical elements that seek the death of Jews and Israel.

So leftists, spare us the sudden “concern” over the historical well-being of Jews. We don’t need it, or your “compassion.” We prefer people of conscience all over the world who genuinely do care about the Jewish people and about Israel, and who do so at all times, over trying to use us to further your morally bankrupt agenda.