We’re not saying Rep. Dan Lipinski was perfect. After all, he is a Democrat. But on one issue he was on the side of the angels, Lipinski is pro-life on abortion.

However, with virus fears keeping older and thus usually more moderate Democrats at home for Tuesday’s Illinois primary, Lipinski fell to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) -backed hard leftist challenger Marie Newman. The margin was about 3000 votes. Given it’s Illinois politics, the real margin was probably less than 500.

This gives AOC a win against the liberal Democratic machine. It’s her first in a primary after a string of losses. AOC has now proven she has coattails and can affect races far away from the Bronx. Her hard left victory happened just when the Democrat machine was taking a pleasant breather after Biden virtually ended the Sanders campaign by running the table on him on Tuesday night.

AOC’s win merely does not have consequences for now, but all the way to Milwaukee.

Remember, we’re not talking about mature logical people. One- they’re Democrats, two- they’re of the hard left variety, and three- they are younger than any decent scotch.

MORE NEWS: Hillary Clinton blasts Trump for his handling of coronavirus outbreak

As such they will hoot and holler all the way to July. Even today AOC is calling for a ridiculous virus bailout, trying to use the disease to bring socialism in through the back door. It will get nowhere and some Democrats are working with the president on realistic measures. That bipartisan maturity will only inflame the sense of AOC and her coterie because their priorities lie elsewhere. They want the nation to suffer and in extremis turn to them for guidance. And then, on to the convention.

Their game is to put enough public and political pressure on Biden there so they can hold him hostage. They will demand a Warren or Abrams veep pick, they will scream until they get authoritarian socialism in the platform (They’ll get that. Nobody cares about platforms these days anyway), and they will attempt to make the entire event akin to a Communist Party USA rally circa 1934.

If AOC keeps winning like this, Biden may have no choice but to give her what she wants.