The Biden administration recently announced that datasets containing historical bias and deemed “imbalanced” will no longer be used in decision-making processes.

Data that negatively impacts those categorized as the “protected class” will be considered illegal and destroyed. This move towards censorship has been criticized by some as prioritizing political correctness over transparency and factual accuracy.

Here’s a closer look:

Biden administration reveals controversial new plan to make data illegal if it’s racist - here's what you need to know
Image Credit: Twitter, @fentasyl

Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro criticized the move, stating, “It’s incredibly frightening that the US government is now banning data that might hurt someone’s feelings. We’re now putting progressive ideology and social justice nonsense ahead of the truth.”

The government has defended its decision, stating that it seeks to make any data leading to discriminatory outcomes illegal. However, some critics argue that this is an overly broad approach that ignores the complexities of historical bias in data.

Revolver News gave an example of what the government may deem “imbalanced data.” (pictured below) It is unclear what criteria will be used to determine which datasets fall under this category, leading to concerns about the potential suppression of important information.

Biden administration reveals controversial new plan to make data illegal if it’s racist - here's what you need to know
Image Credit: Revolver News

Critics of the move argue that while it is important to address historical biases in data, banning certain datasets altogether is not the solution. Instead, efforts should be made to identify and correct biases in data through careful analysis and evaluation.

Conservative commentator Matt Walsh expressed doubt that government officials will hold back on publishing datasets that portray white people negatively, stating, “It’s highly doubtful our government officials will hold back on publishing datasets that paint white people in a negative light.”

Despite concerns about censorship and the potential suppression of information, the government maintains that its goal is to create more accurate and fair decision-making processes that benefit all members of society. It is important to continue advocating for transparency and access to information in order to make informed decisions and hold leaders accountable.