Democrats often present themselves as being what the future of America might look like. They promote equality, the end of racism, free health care, no more student debt, and a society without certain assault rifles. But while Democrats discuss these issues and claim to support them, they are often found doing the complete opposite of what they preach to Americans. During the COVID-19 pandemic, their double standard was on full display as many Democrats broke the mask mandates they pushed. Most recently, a Democrat from South Carolina, who is running for the U.S. Senate, was filmed explaining why white people need to be treated “like sh*t.” 

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According to Krystle Matthews, a Democrat, the only way for white people to gain her respect is to be treated like “sh*t.” Her reasoning for such strong feelings towards white people is not due to herself, but because if white people are not treated like that, they will act like toddlers. In the video below, Matthews said, “My district is slightly Republican, and it’s heavily white. I’m no stranger to white people. I’m from a mostly white town. And let me tell you one thing, you oughta know who you’re dealing with, like, you gotta treat them like shit, like I mean, that’s the only way they respect you.”

Captured by Project Veritas, the Senate hopeful added, “I keep them right here, like under my thumbs. That’s where I keep it, like, you have to, otherwise they get outta control like kids. So for me, I know other people are tip-toeing around them. And I’m like, ‘yo, that’s some white shit. I ain’t doing that’.” 

Although many Democrats support Senator Bernie Sanders, apparently, he didn’t receive much from Krystle Matthews as she noted she didn’t like him because he was supposedly afraid to say “black sh*t.” “That was my problem with Bernie because he was talking to an all-Black crowd, and he was afraid to say black sh*t.” 

Given the outlandish remarks made about white people by a person seeking political office, South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Drew McKissick released a statement condemning the Democrat and calling for her to step down. “Radical socialist Krystle Matthews has made it clear she is unfit to hold public office. First, she called for ‘dope boy money’ and illegal straw donors to her U.S. Senate campaign, and now we hear her advocating for treating White people ‘like (expletive)’ or otherwise ‘they get outta control like kids.’”

Looking at the comment section, users wrote, “This is the best that the Dems can come up with for a candidate to challenge Scott for the Senate seat? What a terrible choice for a candidate, but a great example of a pure racist.”