While families in America celebrate Labor Day with an extra long weekend full of family, fun, and friends, President Joe Biden traveled to Wisconsin to speak with voters about the problems facing America and how the Republican party is full of MAGA extremists who wish to do harm. Not to mention, he harped on how he beat Big Pharma, who recorded staggering profits in 2021. But still, as the 2022 midterm elections approach, President Biden’s efforts to help his party include spreading some rather interesting facts. One of them is how corporations will no longer skip on taxes and how his administration is lowering the federal deficit. The only problem, getting the right words out, appeared to be almost impossible for Biden. 

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In the video, which is featured below, President Joe Biden tried to criticize both the GOP and corporations. He stated, “The days of billion-dollar companies paying zero, they are over in America. And they know they can afford it. And while we’re doing this, we’re actually reducing the federal deficit. You know how they talk about responsible de- — they — the last guy left me with a giant deficit. Well, guess what? In my first year, I reduced the deficit by $350 billion.” While easy to read above, the clip proves that during his speech, he created an entirely new number. Take a look. 

Again, decoding what President Joe Biden was trying to say, he suggested, “Now, I admit some of them voted against it. They thought it made sense, but they weren’t — they couldn’t let Biden, quote, ‘have a victory.’ It’s not my victory. It’s American people’s victory. In spite of the fact that while doing all this, we lowered the deficit by a trillion five this year here, here in America, every single Republican voted against lowering prescription drug prices, against lowering healthcare costs, against protecting your pensions, against lower energy costs, against creating good-paying jobs, against a fairer tax system — every single one in the House and Senate. Everyone.”

And for any American who watched a single speech of President Joe Biden, this isn’t anything new. In another video released, a compilation of Biden trying to say simple words showcased his mental stability. 

Given that Joe Biden tried to dodge the press for some time before his first speech as President, users continue to display his incoherent thoughts all over social media. 

As for what the GOP thinks about Biden’s recent statement about MAGA extremists, Representative Jim Jordan spoke on Fox News, saying, “You got to call your opposition names when you got nothing else to point to. We went from safe streets to record crime. We went from a secure border to no border. We went from $2 gas to $5 gas, and we went from stable prices to record inflation. So call me extreme if I want actually stable prices, affordable energy. If I want to actually have a secure border, call us extreme. I guess that’s what you’re going to do when you got nothing else to talk about.”