While comedians are known to push the envelope and joke about sensitive issues, Alex Stein used his comedic timing to do more than make people laugh. Over the last year and the COVID-19 pandemic, Stein paraded around city councils, often mocking them for how they handled the pandemic and pushed restrictions and mandates on the American people. More recently, the political commentator decided to take a trip to Washington D.C. and confront a few members of the government about their past and the agendas they promote. One of those politicians was RINO Dan Crenshaw, who didn’t take too kindly to being labeled a globalist. Now, back at it again, Stein targeted Representative Eric Swalwell, who is not only a Democrat but also the man who had relations with a Chinese spy.

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In the video, which is featured below, Alex Stein confronted the Democrat, asking, “Is this Feng Feng, the Chinese spy? Remember when you slept with that Chinese spy? Why don’t you ever talk about Feng Feng? Remember you’re banging Feng Feng. Did she give you anal? People are saying that she gave you anal. Is that true? This is a guy who is banging Chinese spies. Nobody investigates you, Eric. Why is nobody investigating this guy banging Chinese spies like it’s no big deal.”

Besides not indulging Alex Stein with a comment, Representative Eric Swalwell, who is known for being a major ally to the LGBTQ+ community, revealed that he received death threats from a gay man. Posting in a tweet, the Democrat wrote, “A staffer of mine — who’s one month into her job — received a call from a man saying he’s coming to our office w/ an assault rifle to kill me. I hesitate to share this, but how else do I tell you we are in violent times, & the architects are Trump & McCarthy? Bloodshed is coming.”

Supposedly, the gay man gave his name during the conversation with a staffer after ranting about gay issues and giving threats. In a memo, Swalwell’s office stated the individual “said he is a gay man, but he doesn’t take it up the ass he gives it. Used the F slur several times. Mentioned he has guns and wants to ‘F*ck him up.’ Also made a statement saying he will come to the office or to wherever he is to hurt him. He will bring guns (AR-15s) to kill him and f*ck him up.”

Surprisingly, this wasn’t the only time threats were made against the Democrat. Back in August, he revealed a Trump supporter somehow contacted him and called for the beheading of him and his family. Eric Swalwell used the moment to promote the dangers of those who align themselves with former President Donald Trump.