Just a few years ago, the Democrats stood alongside the Black Lives Matter movement and supported the idea that law enforcement all across America be defunded. While the Republicans fought against the narrative, supporting police officers all over the country, the Democrats suggested a complete overhaul as police clashed with the Black Lives Matter movement. After Joe Biden won the 2020 election, crime saw a surge in states like California. With the Democrats struggling to gain any momentum going into the 2022 midterm election, President Joe Biden spoke at an event on Tuesday in Pennsylvania where he decided to attack Trump supporters, stating that to keep America independent, they needed more than guns. 

With election season heating up, President Joe Biden has used his recent speeches to criticize the GOP as they are predicted to win big in November. Targeting the supporters of former President Donald Trump, Biden stated, “For those brave right-wing Americans who say [the 2nd amendment] is all about keeping America independent and safe, if you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something more than a gun.” 

And knowing that the Democrats once pushed for the police to be defunded, President Biden declared, “I’m opposed to defunding the police, I’m also opposed to defunding the FBI”. The president also took aim at those Republicans in office who refuse to speak about the January 6th riot. “Let me say this to my MAGA Republican friends in Congress: Don’t tell me you support law enforcement if you won’t condemn what happened on the 6th. Don’t tell me. Can’t do it. For God’s sake, whose side are you on. You’re either on the side of the mob or the side of police. … You can’t be a party of law and order and call the people that attacked the police on January 6th patriots. You can’t do it. What are we teaching our children?”

Although President Joe Biden claims to be on the side of law enforcement, many people within his own party have different opinions. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Cori Bush all demanded the reduction of law enforcement in America. 

User online had a different take, writing:

  • “Ramping it up! Keep it coming you old fart!”
  • “I’m beginning to think that Biden really wants to bomb those of us who disagree with him and be done with it.”
  • “To defeat America all you need is an airplane introduced in 1972?”
  • “Today is the one-year anniversary of the U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan following the Taliban takeover btw.”
  • “Great unity, Joe. Threatening the people who disagree with you with military force.”