Remember when the left used to be kind of funny? Woody Allen, George Carlin, and Robert Klein could be hilarious. Allen made several films that are amongst the funniest American movies ever written. But sadly, as PC has taken over, the left is no longer amusing. Yeah, not a lot of laughs in authoritarian socialism.

There are a couple of exceptions. Tina Fey and Bill Maher are honest liberals who have not sacrificed their humor on the pyre of the hard left.

Fey is adorable (okay, so I have a crush on her) and brilliant. When she strays into politics she generally puts the jokes above ideology. Maher is the closest thing we have today to a Will Rogers or Mort Sahl, in that his takes on topical subjects are not only witty but cut through BS to get to the heart of a matter. That’s why few skewer the left like Maher. He rips them apart with slashing comedic gusto.

Yup, Maher is funny. But he’s not the king of the hill. That honor would belong to the most enthusiastic and spot on murderer of modern liberal sensibilities, Dave Chapelle.

My then teenage sons made me aware of The Chapelle Show years ago when they thought I would like the blind Klu Kluxer sketch. For those of you who haven’t seen it, it’s about a black guy who doesn’t know, because he’s blind, he’s black. And he’s a racist. I won’t spoil the rest, but it’s genius. Then there’s the stand up routine when he and Kevin Hart meet O.J. Simpson. Classic.

Chapelle has taken on, both on his former show and his sold out live performances, about every left wing trope including that holy of holies the transgender movement.

He, of course, has received the usual hysterical pushback from the PC left, which accused him of all the isms and seems particularly offended that Chapelle is a black American, a Muslim, and chooses to live in a small Midwestern town and not in NYC or LA.

He stands in stark contrast to the purveyors of left wing humor. The women on The View, Jimmy Kimmel, etc all merely repeat PC agitprop and their audiences clap like highly conditioned lab rats. They’re not applauding and laughing because it’s funny, but because it’s parroting back to them their own biases and prejudices. It’s like a Klan rally, but nobody has ironed their sheets.

These haters of free speech will go on trying to suppress superb comedians like Chapelle because he shows them up for what they essentially are, empty suits. Devoid of wit and intellect, the Joy Behars and the Kimmels of the world play to crowds of mindnumb robots. Come to think of it, the authoritarian socialists they revere do the same thing. It’s wonderful when art imitates life, huh?