What do you think, does her body language give it away?


Reporter: Can actually one other question on inflation? You were referring just a minute ago to the consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Vladimir Putin and the administration’s mention of Putin’s price hike. I just got back last week. I was at Michigan talking to a lot of voters who told me that they feel like inflation has predated the war. And I’m curious how the administration just, you know, split, squares this all together. I mean, many voters do feel that inflation will correctly so predates the war, and we can’t all be blamed on Vladimir Putin

Jen Psaki: We’ve never, we talked about inflation long before there was an invasion. So because of the actions we’ve taken to address Putin, the Putin price hike, we are in a better place than we were last month. But we expect March CPA, CPI headline inflation to be extraordinarily elevated due to Putin’s price hike, and we expect a large difference between core and headline inflation, reflecting the global disruptions in energy and food markets. A core inflation doesn’t include energy and food prices, headline inflation does. And of course, we know that core inflation, you know, energy, the impact of energy, of course, on oil prices, gas prices, we expect that to continue to reflect what we’ve seen. The increases be over the course of this invasion. And just as an example, since President Putin’s military buildup accelerated in January average gas prices are up more than 80 cents. Most of the increase occurred in the month of March and at times, gas prices were more than $1 above pre-invasion level so that roughly 25% increase in gas prices will drive tomorrow’s inflation reading and certainly, it’s not a surprise to us, but we certainly think it will be reflected.

Regardless of whether her body language is giving her away or not, the people simply aren’t buying the ‘Putin’s Price Hike’ narrative based on the comments we’ve seen around the internet.

Here are just a few of those comments…

“How does she go home to her kids and teach them not to lie, when she does it every day?”

“Biden’s inflation, Biden’s price hike, Biden’s failed presidency. There, I fixed it for ya.”

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“Blah, blah, blah… inflation started the day he took office. She’s playing word games…”

“Bidenflation was soaring way before Putin invaded Ukraine and I promise you it’s not gonna stop even if Putin gave Ukraine a piece of Russia…..lol”

“Clutching her pearls cause she knows We know. She’s a liar.”

“Does she realize she is a full-on liar? The illegitimate Biden regime is responsible for all the inflation, and gas hikes. Everything this regime touches turns to crap! We have to get them out of office.”

This piece was written by Zach Heilman on April 13, 2022. It originally appeared in RedVoiceMedia.com and is used by permission.

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