Back during the democrat presidential primary, there was only one candidate I was really worried about. One candidate who was actually likable and had some common sense. That person was Hawaii REP Tulsi Gabbard. 

She had, what seemed, many advantages to her candidacy including the fact that she was a woman of color and also served in a field medical unit in the Hawaii Army National Guard when deployed to Iraq from 2004 to 2005. 

In addition to that, she was stationed in Kuwait from 2008 to 2009 as an Army Military Police platoon leader. 

Even if we didn’t like most of her policy ideas, we certainly respected her service and she didn’t seem like a total loon like the rest of them.

When she gave Kamala Harris a few knockout punches during one of the debates, my respect for her grew. I was worried the democrats might actually pay attention to Tulsi and she would rise to stardom. 

But apparently she had TOO much common sense for the radical democrat voters. 

They preferred two other avenues – the crazy radical Bernie Sanders nut job candidates and old white man Biden who they were used to. 

As you know, it was Biden who finally made the cut. Although to be fair, it was Obama who decided that Biden was going to be the puppet president and the others dropped out to clear the path.

Gabbard has been a thorn in the side of democrats ever since, calling out the democrats on their stupidity and bad policies. 

Very recently, after hearing our government admit to Ukraine having bio labs, she made a video where she said, “There are 25-30 U.S.-funded biolabs in Ukraine. According to the U.S. government, these biolabs are conducting research on dangerous pathogens. Ukraine is in an active war zone with widespread bombing, artillery and shelling. And these facilities, even in the best of circumstances, could easily be compromised and release these deadly pathogens…Instead of trying to cover this up, the Biden-Harris administration needs to work with Russia, Ukraine, NATO and the UN to immediately implement a ceasefire for all military action in the vicinity of these labs until they’re secured and the pathogens destroyed.”

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RINO republican Utah Senator Mitt Romney blew a gasket and called her out for spreading “treasonous lies” and “Russian propaganda.”

He tried to shove her in a dumpster and close the lid. He thought he won the match with his outrageous comments.

But Gabbard wouldn’t be silenced.

Gabbard responded to Romney by calling on him to resign from the Senate if he couldn’t back up his accusations against her.

Wouldn’t THAT be lovely. But I digress…

Gabbard accused both the government AND the media of lying to the American people. She said to Tucker Carlson, “…the truth is the first casualty of war. And so this is exactly what we are seeing her is people who have a very specific agenda and are refusing to recognize the truth, refusing to have a conversation and instead immediately resorting to their age-old tactic of silence, smear and destroy the character and reputation of anyone who dares to say anything they don’t like.”

In this feud, Romney appears to be the heel (as usual) who is getting run out of the ring for trying to turn the house against her.

This piece was written by Liberty Paige on March 16, 2022. It originally appeared in and is used by permission.

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