Having watched, just like the rest of America, how the mainstream media portrayed COVID-19, HBO host Bill Maher recently sat down with Ben Shaprio to discuss their arrogance and how they miscalculated the pandemic.

Citing a New York Times article from March of 2021, Maher noted that 41% of Democrats believed that 50% of individuals with COVID-19 were hospitalized. The host admitted the real number was only 1-5%. “That’s a crazy number, to be off that much. No wonder they think you need a mask everywhere. If you think half the people who get it need to go to the hospital when it’s really 1%. How did they get that bad of information in their heads? Fox News and the right-wing has a lot to answer for a lot of misinformation out there, put climate change at the top of that list. But the left-wing media should answer for that. How did your audience get that bad of an idea in their head?” 

Speaking on how the media handled the virus, Maher said, “Modern medicine, it’s wonderful.  But you’re wrong about a lot. Stop being arrogant. Don’t look at me like you’ve got the white coat on and the stethoscope around your neck, ‘just do as we say because when have you ever been wrong?’ My answer, a lot. You’ve been wrong about a lot.”

Maher didn’t just attack the media, he pointed to the facts that 75% of people who died of COVID-19 were over 65. Another large portion involved obese individuals. Shocked, Maher explained, “If you are a news organization, wouldn’t you be talking about that fact all the time, and yet we’re at such a crazy place with obesity, it is the ultimate third rail, that is the ultimate third rail you just do not talk about it and of course, we need to talk about it. That’s the real epidemic, not coronavirus.”

This piece was written by Jeremy Porter on March 15, 2022. It originally appeared in DrewBerquist.com and is used by permission.

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