Prime Minister Justin Trudeau might have the entire Canadian government behind him, but all it took was a few thousand protestors and truckers to send him scurrying away to hide. Although Trudeau promised people the protests were no big deal, the Prime Minister was moved to a secret location during the convoy of “Freedom Truckers” that protested in Ottawa. While Trudeau continues to criticize the movement and push for more COVID-19 mandates, his half brother, Kyle Kemper, recently sat down to speak about the PM and what might be the motives behind his decisions. 

In the video, featured below, Melanie Risdon of the Western Standard discussed the recent events in Canada with Trudeau’s half brother. Kemper was the son of Margaret Trudeau and her second husband Fred Kemper. Siding with the protestors, Kemper admitted he believed that his brother was being misguided and could even be confused by the information being presented to him. 

Trying not to place all the blame on Trudeau, Kemper noted that the COVID-19 agenda has been nothing more than a scheme for corporations to make billions of dollars off of the pandemic. He went on to claim that Canada has spent close to $1 trillion on the pandemic, and yet COVID-19 continues to spread. To date, the efforts to combat COVID-19 have cost Canada $624.2 billion

Blaming corporations and big pharma for capitalizing on the pandemic wasn’t all Kemper had to say about COVID-19. The whole interview can be watched below. Take a look. 

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This piece was written by Zach Heilman on February 4, 2022. It originally appeared in and is used by permission.

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