Per our headline, no, we don’t mean he worked for Sterling Cooper. We do mean that Joe Biden promised stability, a steady hand on the wheel. What we have is chaos, a crumbling European security order, and perhaps a lunatic bent on revenge in the Kremlin.

By the way, there’s an episode of the Twilight Zone just like this. Number 41, “The Howling Man.” As such, Biden has let loose a man who now brings chaos: Vladimir Putin.

FNC: “The way candidate Joe Biden told it on the campaign trail, things were simple: elect him president, and the world order would return to one in which America was not to be crossed.

‘Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be President. He doesn’t want me to be our nominee. If you’re wondering why – it’s because I’m the only person in this field who’s ever gone toe-to-toe with him,’ Biden’s Feb. 21, 2020, tweet read.

But just over 13 months since President Biden took office, the post-Cold War world order is on the verge of crumbling altogether.

The global order now resembles something closer to a worldwide version of king-of-the-hill. Russia is waging a violent invasion of Ukraine – despite Biden’s assurances that, if he was elected, Putin would no longer bully Eastern Europe.”

More Biden butching up, “Putin knows that when I am president of the United States his days of tyranny and trying to intimidate the United States and those in Eastern Europe are over,” Biden said in October 2019.

And guess who also wants to play? Ming Jinwei, senior editor at Xinhua News Agency, wrote that China “has to back Russia up with emotional and moral support…In the future, China will also need Russia’s understanding and support when wrestling with America to solve the Taiwan issue once and for all.” Hint.

And to make the situation even more dangerous, Putin may be a madman. Renowned historian Douglas Murray has this to say about the Russian dictator, “His absolutely deranged speech from the Kremlin this week — he gave a totally fantastical version of history, just filled with falsehoods that only Vladimir Putin can believe. You know, he’s been holed up in the Kremlin for the last two years trying to dodge COVID. He has a greater fear of COVID than Queen Elizabeth II at the age of 95. He doesn’t allow anyone within 40 feet of him. Visitors have to be detained for weeks beforehand and then sprayed with chemicals before meeting him, but I wouldn’t trust the chemicals the Kremlin sprays … so he’s been in this isolation. He gave this speech filled with just mad versions of history, but here was one of the worrying things. It was also, of course, blood-curdling. These threats he’s made about outside forces if they dare to step in, these were blood-curdling threats from Vladimir Putin. He’s coming up to the age of 70. There’s all sorts of rumors about his health. He seems to think, perhaps, that this is his legacy, but there’s an enormous amount of pain coming for him and everybody else if he pursues this path.”

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From a piece I recently wrote for another publication about Putin’s reaction to the fall of the Soviet Union, “It was everything. Career, ideology, country, all gone. Can you imagine if Sanders and AOC had control of the United States what we would think about it? That happened to Putin. In several tumultuous years his life was tossed around and then discarded like yesterday’s rubbish. Imagine the personal trauma, the sleepless nights, the rage, the bitterness… He’s psychologically reminiscent of Adolf Hitler, lying blind in a hospital bed and learning of Germany’s defeat in WWI, vowing an everlasting oath of revenge.” Donald Trump had this bear caged. But, this is what Joe Biden has let loose upon the world.