The media is not happy that Joe Manchin scuttled BBB. So they’re lashing out in delicious schadenfreude. Proving, for Republicans, it is indeed Christmas. Greg Gutfeld has the gist of it.

Gutfeld: Last Sunday, America’s media suffered a tragic loss. No, CNN didn’t lose its viewer. It happened on “Fox News Sunday.”

SEN. JOE MANCHIN: If I can’t go home and explain it to the people of West Virginia, I can’t vote for it, and I cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. I just can’t. I’ve tried everything humanly possible. I can’t get there.

BRET BAIER: You’re done. This is a “no.”

MANCHIN: This is a “no.”

Wow — that was pretty good, huh? Who knew it took Chris Wallace to leave before the Sunday show breaks actual news. I kid to Chris — we’re very close.

He went off to something that’s called CNN+. Good luck, Chris, but one tip: Avoid “Bring Your Children to Work Day” — for their sake. As you know, there are a lot of perverts over there. There’s deep sadness for the press who invested so much in a different outcome.

It’s like leaving a bunch of Christmas presents in your car only to find out that while you were in the mall getting a pretzel, somebody broke into your car and stole them all.

JONATHAN KARL: Sen. Manchin has just said that he is a firm “no” on this legislation.

DAVID GREGORY: Manchin is a mercurial person to be dealing with from people I’ve talked to within the White House. We know this to be true. He may want to be a king-maker in some ways when it comes to this legislation.

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MSNBC GUEST: This is Joe Manchin wanting to extend “The Joe Manchin Show” — period.

At least he has a show. Who is that guy? Anyway …Did you hear that audible gasp from the first panel of mourners? It sounded like someone was standing on Wolf Blitzer’s oxygen hose.

Or maybe someone accidentally clicked on Toobin’s feed — that would cause me to gasp. Turns out they were devastated they didn’t get the trillion-dollar spending bill they neither bothered to debate, or much less read.

They were mad that their side lost, and that was it. It was once again politics as sport, and they spent $20,000 on the heavily favored team and they lost. Like the crybabies they are, they lost and wanted to take their ball and go home — although in Stelter’s case, it was probably a meatball … ‘cause he likes to eat (just in case you didn’t get it). Hearty eater.

And poor Jennifer Rubin — one of the truly broken casualties steamrolled by Trump. She wrote that democracy is now “hanging by a thread,” which is exactly how your family will find you in the basement if you ever read her on a regular basis…

It says everything that the media mourns a bill that would have taken inflation to new heights because it meant their party lost. Everything is how it will affect their party — their bottom line. Meanwhile, America didn’t expect much or even ask for much — just a little bit of order, of comfort — a smidgen of optimism. Instead, we got everything royally effed up. We were promised a comfy bathrobe and we got a onesie made of steel wool. Sounds kind of good at this point.