So, let’s see. A man is a local hero in Kansas, a war hero who sustains grievous wounds in service to freedom and his country, he serves as a local county attorney, serves in the US House, in the Senate, leads the Senate for 11 years, is on two Republican national tickets, but all certain Democrats can remember is the president he recently supported? It’s like criticizing Abraham Lincoln about his funny hat. If you do, you’re kind of missing the point.

But the TDS is so strong at MSNBC that its grasp on reality and adulthood is not strong. So when Bob Dole died on Sunday they predictably did the petulant Bolshevik teenager thing and trashed a dead American hero. Dear God, what petty little punks.

FNC: “Progressive MSNBC anchor Mehdi Hasan posted what many considered to be an inappropriate dig on former presidential candidate Bob Dole’s passing.

The Kansas Republican passed away at age 98 on Sunday morning after approximately four decades of serving in the Senate. Dole most famously ran as the Republican presidential nominee in 1996 against President Clinton.

‘Bob Dole went all-in with Trump: ‘I’m a Trumper.’  He knew better, but this is what he chose in his final years. So, I’m going to hold off on the predictable whitewashing of our elected officials’ actions,’ Daily Beast columnist Wajahat Ali tweeted.

‘Bob Dole, who endorsed and voted for Trump twice, and called himself a ‘Trumper’ as recently as July, has passed away,” Hasan tweeted.’ ” Graceless children, both these Marxist mouthpieces.

Conservatives were not amused. American Conservative Magazine contributing editor Sohrab Ahmari tweeted, “Mehdi Hasan, who has said non-Muslims are like animals*, has once more beckowned himself on Twitter dot com.* Actual thing Hasan has said — look it up.”

“He was also a hero who served his country proudly in WWII. But what does that matter, right?,” conservative radio host Tony Katz said. Even former Democratic congressional candidate Christopher Hale shot back at Hasan saying, “Bob Dole fought and was paralyzed in World War II so television pundits could trash him freely after his recently deceased body was still warm.”

“Accurate reporting on former Senator Bob Dole’s life will note he served his country admirably for decades, as a soldier and elected leader, before casting his lot with Donald Trump and maintaining that support, even after the insurrection against the United States on January 6th,” former Obama administration official Brandon Friedman said. Insurrection? Riot, you cretin.

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Joe Biden, give him his due, was gracious and eloquent. “Bob was a man to be admired by Americans. He had an unerring sense of integrity and honor. May God bless him, and may our nation draw upon his legacy of decency, dignity, good humor, and patriotism for all time.” Well said, Mr. President.