MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace, who previously worked in George W. Bush’s administration, spoke out on Friday to say that she was “really rooting” for the Democratic Party because they are the only party not “fostering domestic violent extremism.”

“I started the show yesterday on the filibuster and the efforts of the Texas Democrats…I come from the dirtier side of politics, sort of the tactics and the operational side. I think they’re shaming national Democrats,” she said. “I think Chuck Schumer looks terrible compared to the Democrats in Texas, who are in the minority and have gone—I describe it as coloring outside of the lines. They’ve risked their health. They stood 15 hours for a filibuster that ended the way it did and the passage of the Republican bill.”

“When I worked in politics as a staffer—we have an expression, you can’t be more upset than the principal,” she added. “I feel like as the ex-Republican at the table here, I can’t be more upset than the Democratic Party, except for the fact that the Democratic Party is the only party that it isn’t fostering domestic violent extremism in its messaging, the only party that isn’t rolling back voting rights, the only party that is interested in combating vaccine disinformation. So I’m really rooting for them.”

This comes after Wallace said that it will be Republicans’ fault if kids can’t go back to school in-person in the fall.

“I want to put a pin in the idea that Republicans will blame the Biden administration for kids not being in school,” Wallace said. “If kids aren’t being in school, it’s because Republicans didn’t get vaccinated, and Republican governors stood in the way of mask mandates that would make it possible.”

Wallace was once a Republican, but she has completely sold her soul to the leftist media in the name of the almighty dollar. How sad is that?