Michael Goodwin of the New York Post is a fair and objective member of the media. He is in the minority. Here he lists the transgressions of his leftist colleagues.

Goodwin: “Another one bites the dust. Another media lie, that is. The latest lie to die is the false claim the feds cleared Lafayette Park of protesters last year so then-President Donald Trump could hold a photo op. The Interior Department’s inspector general says police planned to clear the park so a contractor could install a fence, a decision unrelated to Trump’s walk to a nearby historic church burned in a riot.

If the debunking feels familiar, it’s not your imagination. Only the details differ from earlier cases where the media mob got it all wrong. Sadly, the truth usually emerges not because of the press, but despite it. Take growing acceptance of the idea the COVID-19 pandemic started with a leak from a virology lab in Wuhan, China. The idea was always plausible, but the press and big tech declared it a ‘conspiracy theory’ and snuffed it out of circulation.

But after China couldn’t prove the virus jumped from bats to humans, the lab-leak theory gained credence. Suddenly, it became acceptable to share it on Facebook, which appointed itself guardian of all that is proper in American discourse. The pattern is so pronounced that it’s easy to assemble your own list of Top Media Lies.

No. 1 is the oldest and biggest: Trump colluded with Russia to win in 2016 and might be a Russian agent. That scam involved crooked FBI agents and led to the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller, who took two years to conclude there was no evidence to back the charge. Yet the probe had enormous impact, with the drumbeat of anonymous leaks hampering the Trump agenda and helping Democrats take the House in 2018. Even before it was gone, other distortions appeared.

Remember Lie No. 2, the ‘Muslim ban’ that wasn’t? Or No. 3, the mantra that the 2017 tax cuts were only for the ‘rich’ despite studies showing 80% of the population benefitted? How about the ‘kids in cages’ firestorm, complete with gripping photographs of migrant children in metal containers? That was Lie No. 4 and the hottest story going, with Democrats such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., rushing to the border with photogenic outrage. They vanished when it was revealed the Obama-Biden administration built the cages and the heart-wrenching photos were from 2014.

Lie No. 5 was the Ukraine impeachment of Trump, a creative fiction based on a complaint from an anonymous member of the swamp who never testified. But others did to say the president, in trying to get information on Biden family corruption in Ukraine, was guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. Take Hunter Biden’s laptop, which is No. 6, although it rivals Russia, Russia, Russia in importance. When The Post first showed how the contents revealed his shady foreign business deals and how his father helped him, it was not unreasonable for the Times, Washington Post and others to hold off until they could confirm the explosive information late in the campaign.” There are more. But this is enough to charge the media with rank hypocrisy and massive dishonesty.