Like two high school freshmen girls fighting over who loves the varsity quarterback more, WaPo writer Jennifer Rubin and PBS leftist shill Yamiche Alcindor tore at each other because Rubin thought Alcindor wasn’t sucking up enough to Joe Biden.

I’ve been commenting on Alcindor for some time. She can be legitimately accused of all kinds of journalistic malpractice. But alleging she isn’t pro-Biden enough, her slavish loyalty evident from her question below, is like saying Goebbels was tepid on Hitler. It just shows what wild lengths people like Rubin will go to as long as they appear subservient to the left. This is DC journalism today.

FNC: “Two pro-Biden journalists engaged in a rare Twitter spat Thursday over a question one of them asked President Biden at his first formal press conference. ‘PBS NewsHour’ correspondent Yamiche Alcindor was the second reporter selected by the president to ask a question. Alcindor focused on the ongoing migrant crisis at the southern border with a query that came off as gushy to many critics.”

“You’ve said over and over again that immigrants shouldn’t come to this country right now … That message is not being received,” Alcindor began. “Instead, the perception of you that got you elected — as a moral, decent man — is the reason a lot of immigrants are coming to this country and are trusting you with unaccompanied minors. How do you resolve that tension and how are you choosing which families can stay and which ones can go … and is there a timeline for when we won’t be seeing these overcrowded facilities run by CBP when it comes to unaccompanied minors?” Alcindor asked. Wow, that was groveling. But not enough for Rubin.

Rubin responded, “Yamiche makes the statement unproven that his words set off the surge. This is factually wrong,” Rubin tweeted. Rubin should check her facts. Then the claws came out.

Alcindor wrote, “Perhaps you haven’t interviewed migrants & asked them this Q, but reporting bears out what I said, which is that some migrants are coming because of the perception that Pres[ident] Biden is more humane & is allowing unaccompanied minors to stay. So unfortunately, you’re factually wrong.” That drew blood. Rubin hit back.

“Please see the Washington Post’s report of data,” Rubin replied. “Statistically the assumption much of the press has made is false. There is no uptick. This is seasonal. Could there be individuals? I guess. But review of the FACTS shows otherwise.” Rubin was lying. The numbers show a clear increase under Biden.

Conservatives egged them on. “Yamiche said the border crisis was happening because Biden is such a nice guy, and offered to help Joe strategize on getting rid of the filibuster. This was too harsh for Jen Rubin,” GOP strategist Matt Whitlock said. This will continue, as the left wing media has no limit when it comes to acting as Biden’s propaganda arm.