Early reports are that Trump leaning polls are experiencing massive turnout, while Biden polls are at less than normal levels. This is a Pennsylvania Trump poll this morning.

Image Credit: Bob Wert

Much of this is due to early and mail-in voting by Democrats. But not all of it. There is definitely a Trump surge in the making. Will it be enough to put him over the top? No one knows at this point.

LifeZette has initial reports from Pennsylvania and North Carolina. Both see less turnout in metro areas and big turnouts in suburbs and more rural areas. Our sources say they went to the polls early and were numbered about at 150 in line in Trump areas in Pennsylvania. One source drove past a likely Biden poll and saw few in line in North Carolina.

This could be either an intense rejection of the president or his silent majority making their might felt. Hard to tell. But turnout so far seems to lean Trump.

It is, and we have said this before, like the end of the Battle of Waterloo. No one can tell near the end of the battle, because of weather and distance, if the troops coming to reinforce are the Prussians and Blucher uniformed in black or the French and Grouchy dressed in dark blue. They are indistinguishable at the distance involved. On it, hinged the fate of the battle, Europe, and world history. It was the British allied Prussians and they and Wellington won the day.

Tonight will also be difficult to call outright for a plethora of other reasons. Media will use exit polls, but people lie when talking to survey researchers. There are also millions of mail-in ballots, absentee ballots, provisional ballots, and so forth. Some states will not know final numbers for days, if not weeks. Pennsylvania has already said don’t look for a result on Tuesday. Ohio is using a backup system, as their main election system is already down.

Hundreds of lawsuits have been filed before election day. Some are already decided and winding their way up through the court system. A decision, so far, went against Republicans in Texas. They lost a big one on signatures in Pennsylvania. There will be many more lawsuits after the election.

A word to the wise, vote early today if you’re in a major city. There are no reports of violence or unrest as of yet. But solid intelligence persists of planned violence by left wing groups in major cities no matter what the outcome Tuesday night. If Biden looks ahead and Trump won’t immediately concede, violence. If Trump wins, violence. If it’s a toss-up and Trump won’t concede, violence. Election day is only the third act in a five act play. We have a long way to go to get a winner.