The Democrats want you to believe that the border is safe. That letting in all the illegal immigrants is part of being American, but what is safe about the millions of dollars in drugs that are being confiscated by Border Patrol Agents. Most recently, those same agents announced that not only have illegal immigrants crossing the border seen a raise but that drugs have also seen an uptick upwards of 132%.

America is a great country to live in. There is no denying that, and every person should have the right to live in the greatest country in the world, but there is a way of going about to do that. There is a legal process, while long and out of date, it is the process that makes sure all the checks and balances are in order. Even President Trump said the system was outdated and needed a complete rehaul.

But the question you came here for is why there are so many illegal immigrants making their way to the border. One simple answer – Joe Biden. See, the Democrats and Joe Biden want to open the border up and let everybody come in. There is only one rule – you have to vote Democrat. You might think this is a joke, but that is why Biden wants to open the borders.

The Democrats don’t care about American safety. They believe people are all kind and the world will always work itself out, but at the same time – law and order have to be at the forefront of democracy.

As for the border, the number of illegal crossers in this month alone has been over 69,000. That is up from just 58,000 the previous year. Most experts aren’t surprised by the recent numbers since Joe Biden said that he was going to undo majority of the policies that the Trump Administration put on Mexico and other foreign countries.

But don’t take my word for it, even Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Gordon said that one reason they are seeing a surge of immigrants is not only due to the economic decline in the south but also due to the knowledge of Biden’s relaxed nature when it comes to border safety and control.


This piece was written by Jeremy Porter on November 23, 2020. It originally appeared in and is used by permission.

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