In the wake of the death of George Floyd who died in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota last month, the Minneapolis Police Department has been receiving resignations from officers who feel that officials in their city have betrayed them.

At least seven Minneapolis police officers have already resigned, while another seven are going through the resignation process at the time of this writing, according to the Star Tribune. “They don’t feel appreciated,” explained former MPD officer Mylan Masson, who happens to be an expert in the use of force. “Everybody hates the police right now. I mean everybody.”

Making matters even worse for the Minneapolis PD is that some of the cops have abruptly quit without even going through the resignation process, creating more issues with a department that was already overwhelmed by COVID-19 budgetary issues as well as recruitment difficulties.

“During this busy and trying time I have heard secondhand information that there have been employees that have advised their supervisors that they separated with the city (or quit) without completing paperwork,” Deputy Chief Henry Halvorson wrote in an e-mail. “We need to have the process completed to ensure that we know who is continuing to work.”

Officers were said to be particularly angered by Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey’s decision to abandon the MPD’s Third Precinct and surrender it to violent rioters after Floyd’s death. Though he claimed he made this decision to protect the safety of officers, the cops felt that he was actually siding with the protesters against them, and that he did not have their backs.

This comes after the Minneapolis City Council voted unanimously on June 12 to disband the city’s police department and replace it with a community-based public safety program. “We acknowledge that the current system is not reformable — that we would like to end the current policing system as we know it,” council member Alondra Cano said at the time of the vote.

Liberals all over the country have been calling for the dismantlement of police departments, ignoring the fact that we as a society depend on cops for protection every day. Given the rising anti-police sentiments that are being pushed by the Left, it’s no wonder that so many cops are hanging up the duty belt and moving on with their lives.