Decorated U.S. Army combat vet Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) has just made some enemies. But if DC rumor is correct, she already had those enemies, and her breaking ranks with fellow Democrats on the Biden rape charges may be her first move against them.

Duckworth said Thursday, “Any woman who brings, or any man for that matter, who brings forward allegations of abuse, especially in the workplace, deserve to be listened to, and I certainly think that we need to thoroughly look at these allegations.” The source is the Chicago Sun-Times.

Now, in an election year this is a heck of a thing to do to your own party’s presumptive nominee. As many other elected and non-elected Democrats (not to mention the majority of the media) line up to smear Tara Reade and defend Joe Biden from charges they salivated over when it came to Brett Kavanaugh, Duckworth stuck to her guns and kept her own counsel. Why?

Well, if DC players of both parties at makeshift happy hours are to be believed, Duckworth hit Biden to stick a finger in the eyes of the Obamas.

You see, Duckworth is from Illinois. The state is a political fiefdom of the Obamas. Michelle Obama wants Duckworth’s Senate seat. Obama recently endorsed Biden and Biden was his vice president. Duckworth may have fired a warning shot across the bow of the political ambitions of Michelle Obama, seemingly telling her to look elsewhere for a springboard to the White House.

Now, of course you may think What if Duckworth just did it because she is a standup person and not a hypocrite? Well, she’s Army so that could be a factor. But she can also read a scenario and hears the same rumors other DC political types do. If the rumor is true, then hopefully in the Army she learned proper defensive tactics. She’s going to need them.