There’s a RINO running in the GOP primary in the New Mexico 2nd congressional district. Her name is Yvette Herrell and she is playing fast and loose with the truth when it comes to her support of President Trump. She claims to strongly support him. The facts say otherwise.

In 2015, after Trump entered the race, State Rep. Herrell used thousands in taxpayer money to fly out of state to a conference where the image of the soon-to-be GOP president was used in a pinata. Or they hung him in effigy, take your pick.

The Times of San Diego put it this way, “Donald Trump isn’t at the 42nd annual meeting of ALEC in downtown San Diego — unless you consider the piñata hanging at an exhibition hall booth, the real-estate magnate’s name being invoked in private and a telling question by a famed Republican pollster. Frank Luntz, the pollster and ‘maestro of messaging,’ asked Thursday’s huge luncheon crowd at the Manchester Grand Hyatt: ‘How many of you are supporting Donald Trump?’

“Crickets. None of the hundreds of American Legislative Exchange Council members or guests, including more than 400 lawmakers, said a word.” And Herrell, using taxpayer funds, was right there.

Okay, so that was before Trump was president and he was in a contested primary with other worthy Republicans. But this is from last month, March 11, 2020, in the middle of the coronavirus crisis.

According to the Associated Press, “A Republican U.S. House candidate in a crucial New Mexico race said Monday the GOP-controlled Congress and the Trump Administration showed a ‘lack of leadership’ during President Donald Trump’s first two years in office.

“Speaking to podcast host Daniel Horowitz, former state lawmaker Yvette Herrell said she felt GOP leaders in the House and Senate could have done more… She also faulted the Trump administration for failing to tackle issues that ‘could have been put to bed.’”

Combine this with the fact that she lost to a hard-left Democrat in the 2018 general election, in a district the president won by 10 points in 2016, and it doesn’t add up to flipping the district red.

Comments Mike Berg, campaign manager for Herrell’s conservative GOP primary opponent Claire Chase: “Yvette Herrell has repeatedly lied about her support for President Trump. The fact that she used our tax dollars to fly to a swanky California conference where they hung the President in effigy disqualifies her as a Republican candidate.”