Wouldn’t it be nice to have a Republican congresswoman who could, and would want to, go mano y mano with AOC? There may be such a woman. She is conservative activist Laura Loomer.

Loomer, 26, is a bomb thrower. Starting out after college with Jim O’Keefe and Project Veritas, she went undercover in the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign to expose corruption. Her activities since, too myriad and hilariously in-your-face to chronicle, have made that Veritas gig look like a bipartisan prayer meeting.

“She’s the Republicans’ AOC,” veteran GOP trickster Roger Stone said to the New York Post, “She’s young. She’s energetic. She’s feisty. She’s anti-establishment, and she has an enormous national following, as does AOC, which can help finance a congressional race.”

She can also shill for cash. Loomer’s campaign collected $204,786 in the first quarter of 2020, according to April filings with the Federal Election Commission. Her total to date is nearly $600,000, way more than her eight GOP primary rivals combined. She is a favorite for the nod in the West Palm Beach seat that sports the president’s official home address at Mar-a-Lago. As for her Democrat opponent in the fall, Lois Frankel? To quote Mr. T, “I pity the fool.” Because win or lose, Loomer will vivisect her.

“I am a one-woman Squad,” Loomer has said. “Republicans need more firepower. They need people who aren’t going to cower in fear of these women.”

Loomer campaign honcho Karen Giorno said, “The experience I had on the campaign with Donald Trump is really one of the reasons why I took a look at Laura Loomer. She reminded me a little bit of Donald Trump. She is very frenetic, in a good way, constant energy, high expectations of herself and others…she impressed me and I don’t get impressed very easily.” Let’s hope the voters of Florida’s 21st congressional district are impressed as well.