The White House announced today that First Lady Melania Trump will be speaking at an annual State Department awards ceremony the goal of which is to honor brave women.

Along with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Melania will be speaking at the Wednesday ceremony for the International Women of Courage Awards, according to The Hill. The State Department describes this as the “only all-female award” that recognizes women around the world “who have demonstrated exceptional courage and leadership.”

This will be the fourth time that Melania has participated in this event. While speaking at the ceremony last year, Melania said, “Courage is one of the qualities we need most in society. It is what propels us forward.”

“Throughout history women have contributed in so many ways to our society,” Melania said. “Women continue to influence the world in so many powerful ways.”

This comes weeks after Melania was given the Woman of Distinction Award from the small Christian college Palm Beach Atlantic University.

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“First ladies define the history of our country,” event co-chair Frances Fisher said when the award was announced, according to CNN. “We are honored to recognize Mrs. Trump as a Woman of Distinction and the only first lady since Mrs. Kennedy to be a Palm Beach resident.”

In a short speech she gave while accepting her award, Melania promoted her “Be Best” initiative, which aims to fight cyberbullying.

“Raising emotionally healthy children starts with teaching them how to make responsible decisions,” Melania said. “It is our job as adults to pass along wisdom and build children’s confidence, so they have the best opportunity to succeed in life.”

Melania has arguably gotten more flack than any other First Lady in history, yet she has handled it all with grace and dignity. She is a true class act, and we can’t wait to see what she has to say at the awards ceremony on Wednesday.