Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is being relentlessly mocked online after claiming in an Instagram live video on Tuesday that Americans are racist for not eating at Chinese restaurants due to coronavirus.

“Honestly, it sounds almost so silly to say, but there’s a lot of restaurants that are feeling the pain of racism,” the freshman congresswoman said. “Where people are literally not patroning [sic] Chinese restaurants, um, they’re not patroning [sic] Asian restaurants because of just straight-up racism around the coronavirus.”

For once, we agree with Ocasio-Cortez: that was a pretty silly thing to say!

Of course, Ocasio-Cortez provided no evidence to back up the absurd assertion that Americans have stopped eating at Chinese restaurants since news of the outbreak.

Backlash against Ocasio-Cortez for her comment has been swift, with many taking to social media to mock her.

“This is like an SNL parody,” former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee tweeted. “She is like literally like not aware of like literally much of like anything, like not even fact there’s like literally no word ‘patroning’ and she like is literally clueless as to what like racism literally means. And she is in Congress. Literally!”

“1 um every 7 seconds. 8+ ums per minute. 540 ums per hour. 12,960 ums per day. 4.7 million ums per year,” another social media user tweeted, with a third adding, “It’s difficult to tell which is more embarrassing… AOC being so incredibly poorly informed or her willingness to prove it to millions of people.”

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While this video is hilarious in an absurd way, it’s also a terrifying reminder that someone this out of touch with reality can be elected to Congress by the radical Left. We can only hope that Ocasio-Cortez’s days in Congress are numbered, because there’s no telling what kind of damage she’ll do to our country if she continues to gain traction politically.