Open Doors, a Christian organization that monitors the state of Christians all over the world, has released its 2020 Watch List on Wednesday and the news is not good for a growing amount of Christian believers.

According to the report and the Evangelical Focus website 260 million Christians are facing “extreme”, “very high”, or “high” persecution levels in 73 nations centered in Africa and Asia.

Over even the last week Christians in Nigeria were massacred by Muslim Fulani terrorists. The mainly Christian village of Kulben in Central Nigeria was attacked on January 8th, killing 13 and wounding three, as reported by the Morning Star News. The victims were members of the Church of Christ in Nations.

North Korea, Afghanistan, and Somalia lead the oppressive list of countries targeting the faithful for repression and worse.

China, Algeria, Morocco, and Burkina Faso are on a less deadly, but also repressive, roll of regimes pressuring Christians to give up their faith.

The data is from information collected from public sources between November 2018 and October 2019.

Former British Conservative Party leader and Member of Parliament Sir Ian Duncan Smith today highlighted the issue on Twitter.

As the Left and their allies worldwide denigrate Christianity as the original sin of the West, doing so from the luxury afforded them by the sacrifices and achievements of the Western Judeo-Christian institutions they detest, it is open season on Christians who are merely trying to practice their faith in peace and goodwill.

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The followers of a simple carpenter from Nazareth deserve better. But fate doesn’t always ensure they receive it.