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Another time, as I was waiting in the sacristy for the Holy Thursday Mass at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., I noticed a priest in his 90s with a cane; he was leaning into the corner of the sacristy wall.  

I walked up to him and asked him to share some of his wisdom. He told me, “I have been a priest for 62 years, and I can give you one simple piece of advice. Don’t ever lose your love for Christ. As long as He is at the center of your priesthood, you will do just fine.”  

We should learn from those who have walked before us in this journey of faith.

His eyes glittered with joy — such a gift.

We must all look around at the grandparents and older people whom God has providentially placed in our lives. We should tap into that incredible resource — and learn from those who have walked before us in this journey of faith.

Fr. Michael Sliney is a Catholic priest based in the New York City area and an adviser to the Lumen Institute, a professional business group.