Last May, police at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, told one of their professors, Bret Weinstein, that they could not guarantee his safety at the school — so he had to hold his class off-campus.

“I have been told by the chief of police it’s not safe for me to be on campus.” Instead, Weinstein gathered with his biology students in a downtown Olympia park.

Well, not only is this issue worth revisiting in light of the continuing campus violence across the country, but also, Professor Weinstein is back in the news, as the college recently announced a half-million-dollar settlement paid to Weinstein and his wife, Heather Heying, a fellow Evergreen professor. Sadly, even this Evergreen farce wasn’t enough to stem the national tide of leftist “resistance” to respectful academic and political discourse.

Can you imagine that in the United States of America, police had to warn a college professor they could not guarantee he’d be safe [from students and faculty] to teach his class on the campus of a college that hired him to do just that? And yet, according to a recent Wall Street Journal article by Jillian Kay Melchior, the college asserted that it “took reasonable and appropriate steps to … keep the campus safe.”

Then why did the police chief feel he had to warn the professor to stay away from campus?

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So why did students and fellow faculty hold such vicious animus for the professor? What horrible “crime” had he committed? Weinstein, a self-described man of the Left, had the audacity to make comments against racial segregation. It seems the good professor believes discrimination is wrong even if it’s only for one day. What a villain.

Student groups were preparing for a “Day of Absence,” which is officially sanctioned by the college. This event prompted student minority groups to ostensibly ask but tacitly demand white students not to come to campus on that day. How dare this “racist” professor oppose such, well, blatant racism? Evergreen continues to endorse this annual celebration of identity politics.