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In a story run by The Hollywood Reporter, powerful executives and producers spoke freely about how President Trump has not only impacted their creative work but, if you can believe it, their mental health.

FX Networks CEO John Landgraf told the publication, “Trump has made me way more anxious, almost every day. It’s not about politics … It’s about integrity. Judging by his behavior, he is completely amoral, does not believe in the democratic separation of powers enshrined in our Constitution, and recognizes no truth beyond himself — beyond what he needs to be the truth for his own emotional comfort in any given moment.”

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Landgraf even said he was scared there are “fellow citizens [in the U.S.] who still think he should be our president.”

“American Horror Story” creator Ryan Murphy (shown at the top of this piece) blamed Trump for the anxieties of writers around the world but promised, “We are going to put those anxieties into art.” Murphy has already promised the next season of “Horror Story” will partly revolve around Trump — something horror fans are begging for, clearly.

According to Ava DuVernay, director of “Selma” and “13th,” a documentary, Trump’s presidency has “devastated me in many ways, but each of those ways has made me more determined than before.”

Some people, however, have said Trump’s presidency has motivated them to bring “light and laughter and healing to this world,” as actor and producer Tyler Perry revealed to THR.

Related: Dean Cain Calls Out Hollywood’s Extreme Anti-Trumpers

The ridiculous “blame Trump for everything” mentality coupled with these elites’ pitiful self-involvement is out of hand. These people are living the dream; most of them live better than 99 percent of Americans. And they aren’t living in a country with a dictator, in fear of their lives. Their lives haven’t changed at all since the election. They are still rich and successful and free to work and exercise free speech.

When people blame the failure of their movies on the president of the United States and their anxiety on someone who has been in office only six months — it’s time to take a look at that privileged life they’re leading. Folks, take a deep breath — and calm down. [lz_pagination]