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Cruz, for his part, felt the repercussions of his refusal to endorse not just from the crowd but from his fellow Republicans. Aside from harsh words from Rudy Giuliani, Chris Christie, Roger Stone, and Laura Ingraham, he was also barred from the box of GOP donor and casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson, according to Politico.

However, the Texas senator seemed to be unfazed by the attacks he received — rather, his stance became more defiant.

“I had to speak the truth,” he said. “It’s going to be an interesting couple of days. The chips will fall where they may.”

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In fact, he wouldn’t even say whether he planned to vote for the GOP nominee. He did leave open the possibility of endorsing Trump in the future and excluded any chance of voting for Hillary Clinton.

“I am doing what millions of Americans are doing. I’m watching, I’m listening … But I can tell you I’m not voting for Hillary.”

Trump didn’t seem to take offense to the non-endorsement, and even tweeted that it was “no big deal.” The Trump campaign knew ahead of time that Cruz would not be praising Trump — something that Cruz himself confirmed.

“They knew exactly what I was going to say … they believed it would help. If they didn’t, I was perfectly happy to get on a plane and go home,” Cruz said.

Whether Cruz publicly supports Trump between now and the election, there is no denying his reputation as an agitator and unpopularity on Capitol Hill is well-deserved.