The University of Central Florida hosted an “informational session” about the Affordable Care Act in the final days before the deadline to sign up for a coverage plan.

The event was titled, “Healthcare 101: The myths and facts about the Affordable Care Act.” To the surprise of many students, a Planned Parenthood representative was the keynote presenter.

“Come find out the truth about the act and learn how to get covered … will go over the facts and debunk the myths surrounding the ACA,” read UCF’s website.

Advertisements for the event did not disclose the $1.4 million that Planned Parenthood spent on ad buys for President Obama’s re-election, however.

Some UCF students wonder just how truthful the event really was due to Planned Parenthood’s close ties to the president and therefore his namesake legislation.

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“You can’t expect Planned Parenthood, a big supporter of the Affordable Care Act, to dispel myths about a failed piece of legislation. There are plenty of health care industry officials that could have shared a much less bias view of the Affordable Care Act,” College Republican Lauren Konkol told LifeZette. “In many ways the event was essentially a disservice to students,” she continued.

Back in 2012, Planned Parenthood Action Fund President Cecile Richards said, “There is no greater champion for women’s health than President Obama, and Planned Parenthood Action Fund couldn’t be prouder to endorse his reelection as president.”