Pro-Donald Trump Reddit users were censored by Reddit admins for discussing censorship on the site. Reddit admins instructed  /r/The_Donald users to erase their posts that discuss censorship on /r/Politics— though it wouldn’t be the first time Reddit sought to control the content discussed on its site.

In an online conversation between The_Donald moderators and Reddit admins, a Reddit admin slammed The_Donald users for “interfering with their ability to moderate and use the site normally.” The_Donald’s comments on Reddit censorship lately led to a considerable number of temporary suspensions.

“In the conversation, /u/Sodypop claims that certain moderators of /r/Politics were receiving threatening messages and spam following posts in /r/The_Donald detailing censorship by moderators of /r/Politics,” Breitbart reported.

One The_Donald poster argued that when the roles were reversed and liberal users sent him threats and even exposed his personal information, Reddit admins ignored his concerns.

Photo from Breitbart


“…The only possible reason I can find for my suspension was down voting three posts by a mod of r/politics,” the user posted, noting that one of the posts they down voted was titled “Anti-Trump protesters attack supporters at California rally.”

The_Donald is a subreddit frequently filled with heated exchanges between Trump supporters and Trump foes. Pro-Trump users voiced concern that the Trump subreddit was targeted in a way that other presidential subreddits, such as /r/SandersForPresident, were not.

Some people are calling for Reddit to address the issue by making a public statement.

“A trusted source within the /r/Politics community has told Breitbart Tech that some are calling for a public statement on the issue by the Reddit admins and moderators of /r/Politics. It seems more events may be unfolding within the Reddit community in days to come,” Breitbart reported.

To read more about Trump supporters being censored in the media, click here.