Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama’s accents change like the weather. It all depends on who they’re talking to and what audience they’re addressing. The further south they travel — the more “Aw shucks, ma’am” they seem to get.

Meryl Streep, as proficient as she is at dialect, has nothing on these chameleons.

Trump has always displayed pride in his New York City roots, no matter what region of the country he visits.

In North Carolina last week, Obama played the southern card, saying how much he “loves me some North Carolina.” He then used the word “holler” and said it was time to get down to “bidness.”

Bidness. One can imagine what wrath would be unleashed on Donald Trump if he ever said “bidness.”

“You would think Obama and Clinton are starring in a production of ‘Cat on A Hot Tin Roof,’” laughed Jean Purcell, a Baltimore-area resident. “I was raised in North Carolina — and that is not a southern accent. That’s pandering. They are Chicagoans whose accents change according to whomever they are speaking to.”

Contrast that with Trump — he has always displayed pride in his New York City roots, no matter what region of the country he is visiting.

Back in August, Obama tweaked his twang to sound more like a down-home Louisiana native when speaking to Baton Rouge flood victims.

Twitter noticed. “Why is Obama speaking with a Southern distinctively Black accent … him and Hillary are shameless panderers,” tweeted one user.

How is it OK for the Clinton campaign to “culturally appropriate” southerners — but a kid in college gets in trouble for dressing as a pilgrim or an Indian at a Halloween party? Maybe because one case of appropriation serves the liberal agenda — and one doesn’t.

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Hillary matches Obama’s dialectic chicanery. Her accents are legendary, stretching all the way back to her Arkansas days. After Bill Clinton lost the governor’s race of that state in 1974, she realized her ultra-feminist Chicago persona wasn’t making inroads there.

Suddenly, there was a new Hillary — she started wearing make-up, adopted a new hairstyle, and was suddenly all, “Well, bless your hearts, ya’ll.”

She’s doing it again in 2016 — pandering to the south, where she needs votes. Suddenly, she is Dolly Parton and Minnie Pearl all rolled into one.

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@Apoliticalcomedy tweeted in February, “Anyone else notice that Hillary’s ‘accent’ while campaigning in South Carolina sounds like she’s the hostess in a Cracker Barrel commercial?”

@BlazeBerner tweeted. “Hillary is using that damn dumb deep scratchy ‘Southern accent’ & dropping her ‘g’s’ in North Carolina. She thinks voters are stupid!”

Another twitter user had a different theory. @AceofSpadesHQ tweeted simply, “Daydrinking again.”