President-Elect Donald Trump announced Sunday that Trump for President CEO Stephen Bannon will serve as the Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor to the President, while Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus will serve as the White House Chief of Staff.

Priebus staunchly stood by Trump once he secured the Republican presidential nomination in July. Priebus not only kept the RNC’s vast resources directed towards a Trump victory in the fall, despite pressure from some donors to abandon the cause, but put pressure on NeverTrump GOP leaders like Ohio Gov. John Kasich to give up their objections. Preibus once said there would be no place for anyone who did not support the nominee in future GOP primary contests.

“Now I will have them both with me in the White House as we work to make America great again.”

Bannon, the executive chairman of Breitbart News, aided by Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager, successfully stabilized the campaign when they both came aboard in August. Naming Bannon and Priebus to the senior White House leadership team marks the first round of the president-elect’s major appointments.

“I am thrilled to have my very successful team continue with me in leading our country,” Trump said in a statement. “Steve and Reince are highly qualified leaders who worked well together on our campaign and led us to a historic victory. Now I will have them both with me in the White House as we work to make America great again.”

Bannon and Conway provided much-needed focus and stability to Trump’s presidential campaign after former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and campaign chairman Paul Manafort were ousted in succession.

“I want to thank President-Elect Trump for the opportunity to work with Reince in driving the agenda of the Trump Administration,” Bannon said in a statement. “We had a very successful partnership on the campaign, one that led to victory. We will have that same partnership in working to help President-Elect Trump achieve his agenda.”

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Priebus proved to be adept at handling party dissension when it became clear Trump had clinched the Republican nomination. Even when further controversies arose, Priebus stood by Trump and urged the party to do the same. As White House Chief of Staff, Priebus will be instrumental in creating and implementing the Trump Administration’s tone.

“It is truly an honor to join President-Elect Trump in the White House as his Chief of Staff,” Priebus said in a statement. “I am very grateful to the president-elect for this opportunity to serve him and this nation as we work to create an economy that works for everyone, secure our borders, repeal and replace Obamacare and destroy radical Islamic terrorism. He will be a great president for all Americans.”