President Trump is reportedly preparing an executive order that will significantly reduce U.S. involvement in the United Nations.

The draft order, “Auditing and Reducing U.S. Funding of International Organizations,” would terminate funding completely for any international organization that meets one or more of several criteria.

The U.S. currently provides roughly a quarter of all funding to U.N. peacekeeping missions and funds a full fifth of the body’s general budget alone.

The criteria include those that recognize the Palestinian Authority or PLO, fund abortion, or work to circumvent sanctions against Iran or North Korea. The order also calls for “at least a 40 percent overall decrease” in funding to international groups overall.

The order would also create a committee tasked with identifying where cuts can be made, The New York Times reported. The committee would take a closer look at the International Criminal Court, peacekeeping missions, the UN Population Fund, and developmental aid to countries that oppose U.S. policy.

A 40-percent decrease overall in U.S. funding towards the U.N. and other international organizations would save American taxpayers a significant amount of money.

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The U.S. currently provides roughly a quarter of all funding to U.N. peacekeeping missions and funds a full fifth of the body’s general budget alone. Including other mandatory and voluntary expenditures, U.S. taxpayers send roughly $8 billion to the international organization each year.

And while the internationalist ideologue will insist that the U.S. is merely fulfilling its international moral obligations, such an assertion assumes the U.N. and its peacekeepers are actually doing their jobs.

A 2014 study of U.N. peacekeeping operations with a mandate to protect civilians — conducted by the U.N. itself — discovered that U.N. troops “did not report responding to 406 (80 percent) of [the 570] incidents where civilians were attacked.”

The 2010 cholera outbreak in Haiti which killed more than 8,000 people was traced to U.N. peacekeepers, and U.N. staff members have been accused of sexual exploitation, rape, and abuse in at least 10 countries in Europe, Africa, and the West Indies.

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A 2012 study by researchers at NYU and Mississippi State University of the best and worst aid agency practices found that the U.N. had some of the very worst. “The biggest difference is between the UN agencies, who mostly rank in the bottom half of donors, and everyone else,” the report noted.

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Meanwhile, the U.N. bureaucrats who are supposed to make sure things like that don’t happen get benefits and salaries nearly a third higher than their U.S. civil servant counterparts.

In addition to being a drain on America’s treasury, our extravagant commitments to the U.N. often undermine the nation’s moral credibility.

Rampant accusations of fraud, mismanagement, corruption, and sexual assault aside, the U.N. is the organization charged ostensibly with protecting world peace and human rights that counts China, Cuba, Burundi, Egypt, Iraq, Venezuela, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia among the members of its Human Rights Council.